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dc.contributor.advisorHerrera Valencia, July-
dc.contributor.authorCusme Gomez, Gloctis Jonnier-
dc.contributor.authorLeguisamo Moreira, Geovanny Josue-
dc.identifier.citationCusme Gomez, Gloctis Jonnier; Leguisamo Moreira, Geovanny Josue (2024). Daños estructurales generados por sismos y propuesta de reforzamiento estructural para la Unidad Educativa División de Infantería - Guayaquil. Guayaquil. ULVR. Facultad de Ingeniería, Industria y Construcción Carrera de Ingeniería Civil. 120 p.es_ES
dc.descriptionEcuador's seismological history reveals a variety of events, from overlooked small magnitude earthquakes to historic disasters such as the Pedernales earthquake in 2016. Guayaquil, located in a coastal area and affected by subduction faults, experiences a significant release of energy seismic. Structures, subjected to seismic forces, face risks of structural and non-structural damage, the former being more critical due to their potential to cause collapses and loss of human life. The seismic vulnerability of a structure is closely related to its safety, poor construction processes and age, as well as the seismic threat at its location........es_ES
dc.format.extent120 p.es_ES
dc.publisherGuayaquil: ULVR, 2024.es_ES
dc.subjectIngeniería civiles_ES
dc.subjectAmenaza naturales_ES
dc.titleDaños estructurales generados por sismos y propuesta de reforzamiento estructural para la Unidad Educativa División de Infantería - Guayaquiles_ES
Aparece en las Tesis: Tesis - Ingeniería Civil

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