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Título : Diseño de plan de exportación de snack chifles de plátano hacia la ciudad de Hamburgo Alemania
Autor : Andrade Menéndez, Mónica Lorena
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Vaca Franco, Víctor Alberto
Palabras clave : Plátano;Exportación;Plan;Mercado
metadata.dc.rights: openAccess
metadata.dc.rights.uri: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ec/
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Editorial : Guayaquil: ULVR, 2016.
metadata.dc.language.iso: spa
Citación : Andrade Menéndez, Mónica Lorena (2016). Diseño de plan de exportación de snack chifles de plátano hacia la ciudad de Hamburgo Alemania. Guayaquil. ULVR. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas Carrera de Comercio Exterior. 99 p.
metadata.dc.format.extent: 99 p.
Descripción : This work is aimed at developing an export plan, with which it will be released products Banana Chip, about the possibility of entering new markets such as shops cram, restaurants among others, generating employment through increased production and as business development focusing on creating new distribution channels in the target market. One of the most common problems in the market, is the ability to reach the product or service offered, which becomes a drawback when it is not developed based targeted to internal and external business management business requirements properly therefore it is necessary to know the techniques and tools to be employed to obtain superior benefits that would achieve recognition and establish themselves in the international market and can be marketed achieving acceptance……
URI : http://repositorio.ulvr.edu.ec/handle/44000/1253
Aparece en las Tesis: Tesis - Ingeniería en Comercio Exterior

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