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dc.contributor.advisorVizcaíno de Fernández, Cristina-
dc.contributor.authorCevallos Almeida, Liz Aura-
dc.contributor.authorBasantes Robalino, María Cristina-
dc.identifier.citationCevallos Almeida, Liz Aura; Basantes Robalino, María Cristina (2014). The influence of teachers’ attitude on the behavior of 10th grade students when teaching english at centro educativo la moderna during the period 2014-2015. Guayaquil. ULVR. Facultad de Educación Carrera de Inglés. 111 p.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe main goal of this research is to determine whether or not the attitudinal behavior of a teacher influences the academic performance in the 10th grade students at Centro Educativo La Moderna. To achieve this goal, the authors observed several classes at that institution where it was possible to see both the teachers and the students’ attitudinal behavior within the classroom. To be able to carry on with the project, a survey was given to 45 10 graders at CELM, and a survey was given to the teachers. The results of the class observations and the results of the survey showed that there was a bad attitudinal behavior from the students that influenced directly in their class performance and in their low academic achievements…..es_ES
dc.format.extent111 p.es_ES
dc.publisherGuayaquil: ULVR, 2014.es_ES
dc.titleThe influence of teachers’ attitude on the behavior of 10th grade students when teaching english at centro educativo la moderna during the period 2014-2015es_ES
Aparece en las Tesis: Tesis - Inglés

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