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Título : Methodological strategies to enhance reading comprehension skills in students of third B.G.U. at bilingual school Montessori in the scholastic year 2017 - 2018
Autor : Prado Córdova, Michael Enrique
González Zambrano, Ana Gabriela
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Mejía Alarcón, Mario
Palabras clave : Stimulation;Didactic;Comprehension;English
metadata.dc.rights: openAccess
metadata.dc.rights.uri: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ec/
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Editorial : Guayaquil: ULVR, 2019.
metadata.dc.language.iso: eng
Citación : Prado Córdova, Michael Enrique; González Zambrano, Ana Gabriela (2019). Methodological strategies to enhance reading comprehension skills in students of third B.G.U. at bilingual school Montessori in the scholastic year 2017 - 2018. Guayaquil. ULVR. Facultad de Educación Carrera de Inglés. 145 p.
metadata.dc.format.extent: 145 p.
Resumen : In this work paper, the methodological strategies include activities before, during and after the reading process takes place. Through the proper application of thesestrategies, students who love to read, demonstrate their maximum capacity of understanding, comprehension and interpretation of the provided text. One of the main reasons the topic of reading comprehension is important is because the teacher should make a preliminary analysis, approaching to the text in a psychological and didactic way. This prior knowledge, acquired before presenting the text to the students, is assimilated through daily living. The didactic activities include games and materials that may be associated with the context. Therefore, personal experiences related with what are stated in the text, and the knowledge that the reading provides is easily and ludic adapted. This pre-knowledge makes students understand the topic, incorporates personal experiences, which will make the reading; attractive, understandable and memorable………..
URI : http://repositorio.ulvr.edu.ec/handle/44000/2723
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