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Título : Improving the low academic achievement in toefl preparation of 10th grade students at unidad educativa particular bilingüe liceo panamericano during the school period 2013-2014
Autor : Recalde Yépez, Kenneth
Veintimilla Jurado, Ingrid
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Vizcaíno de Fernández, Cristina
Palabras clave : Meaningful learning;Method;English;Education
metadata.dc.rights: openAccess
metadata.dc.rights.uri: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ec/
Fecha de publicación : 2013
Editorial : Guayaquil: ULVR, 2013.
metadata.dc.language.iso: eng
Citación : Recalde Yépez, Kenneth; Veintimilla Jurado, Ingrid (2013). Improving the low academic achievement in toefl preparation of 10th grade students at unidad educativa particular bilingüe liceo panamericano during the school period 2013-2014. Guayaquil. ULVR. Facultad de Educación Carrera de Inglés. 84 p.
metadata.dc.format.extent: 84 p.
Descripción : Significant changes in Ecuadorian education have contributed to the development of this research project. The implementation of higher standards for students graduating high school, and new admission processes for higher education in the country and abroad require an examination of the education system. To do so, this study selected a group of 33 students of 10th grade with the lowest grades in the TOEFL subject at Unidad Educativa Particular Bilingüe Liceo Panamericano in Guayaquil .Being that TOEFL is an important requirement for Ecuadorian students to study abroad. The main purpose of this study is to improve the academic achievement in TOEFL preparation of these students through a mixed-method approach that combines meaningful learning proposed by Dr. David Ausubel and scaffolding developed by the Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky….....
URI : http://repositorio.ulvr.edu.ec/handle/44000/927
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