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Collection's Items (Sorted by Fecha de envío in Descendente order): 21 to 40 of 134
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2020Multisensory learning and reading skills in second grade general basic education students at Unidad Educativa Particular Bilingüe Santo Domingo de Guzmán, school year 2019-2020García Hinojosa, Karina; Abad Rojas, Briggite Elizabeth; Sánchez Lara, Jazmín Lisset
2020School readiness and early literacy skills in english language in 4 to 5-year-old students at Academia Naval Guayaquil, school year 2019-2020Mora Zapater, Janeth; Félix Ripalda, Karla Patricia; Jaramillo Hernández, Dayanna Lineth
2020Technology and the writing skills in students of 2nd year BGU at Centro Educativo Naciones Unidas during the school year 2019-2020Mora Zapater, Janeth; Meza Vera, Lili Marlen
2020Technological resources and their influence on teaching speaking skills in 3rd year BGU students at Unidad Educativa Praga, during the school year 2019-2020León Véliz, Luis; Ramos García, Anabella; Villamar González, Gilmar
2014Influence of interlanguage errors in the development of oral production of prural forms and past of regular verbs in english, in studens of 10th year EGB, groups C and D, at femenimo Espiritu Santo FES school year 2013-2014Palacios Chacón, Martha; Parrales Rodríguez, Viviana del Rocío
2020Influence of intensive reading as a technique to enhance reading comprehension skills in 7th grade students at Unidad Educativa Crear during school Year 2018 – 2019Campoverde Méndez, Mélida Rocío; Escalante Suárez, Romina Carolina; Palacio Parrales, Raúl Andree
2020Scaffolding strategies and their impact in language acquisition in a multiple-leveled classroom of 8th year EGB from Unidad Educativa Bilingüe Tejar, during the school year 2019 – 2020Orellana Barahona, Sarita Dahiana; Fernández Sesme, Steeven Alfredo
2020Technology based ludic activities and its influence on oral production in 1st year students B.G.U. at Centro Educativo Naciones Unidas, school year 2019-2020Orellana Barahona, Sarita Dahiana; Espinoza Vega, Cristina Belén; Nazareno Segura, Milexi Stefanía
2020The audiovisual resources and the development of both listening and speaking skills in students of 9th grade at Bernardita Correa Delgado Public School during the school year 2018-2019Mejía Alarcón, Mario; Jiménez Santillán, Carlos Alberto
2020The use of audiovisual material and its influence in the english vocabulary learning in second grade students, school year 2018-2019Campoverde Méndez, Mélida Rocío; Carranza Ordoñez, Evelyn Elena
2020Gamification and its influence on the oral production in students of 7th grade EGB at UE Bella Vista, school year 2019-2020Mejía Alarcón, Mario; Andrade Candelario, Génesis Sthephani
2020Contribution of behavioral theory in teaching english as a foreign language to 8th grade students at U.E. Francisco de Orellana, school year 2018 – 2019Mora Zapater, Janeth; Gaibor Estrada, Génesis Sofia; Hernández Mora, Josué Reiner
2020Learning strategies and the speaking skills in fourth grade students EGB at Unidad Educativa Interamericano, school year 2019-2020Hinojosa Garcés, Norma; González Zambrano, Narcisa Ninoska
2020Nonverbal communication activities to enhance english vocabulary skill in second grade students at Centro Educativo Soler during school year 2018 - 2019Mora Zapater, Janeth; Abad Villafuerte, Fanny Lissette
2020Listening strategies and their importance within the english language learning process with students of first course at the A.L.C English Academy, Milagro, 2019Mora Zapater, Janeth; Mena Cajas, Edinson Roberto; Murillo Zambrano, Karen Andrea
2020The influence of instructional scaffolding strategies to develop reading comprehension skills in 9th grade students at an educational institution in Guayaquil, during academic year 2017-2018Campoverde Méndez, Mélida Rocío; Rojas Freire, Lady Tatiana
2020Collaborative strategic reading and its influence on teaching reading comprehension to seventh grade students at U.E. Cucalón Lasso, school year 2019-2020Campoverde Méndez, Mélida Rocío; Figueroa Roldán, Dickson Dionisio
2020Effectiveness of content-based instruction approach to improve a1 level students’ english literacy at Unidad Educativa Benjamin Bloom during the school year 2018-2019Mora Zapater, Janeth; Herrera Peña, Ángel David; Phillips Mejía, Esther Tatiana
2019The use of visual-spatial intelligence to develop reading skill, in fifth grade students at ue Andrés Bello LópezCampoverde Méndez, Mélida Rocío; Izurieta Santillán, Evelyn Jessenia
2019Game enhanced learning through ICTS, for the development of basic communication skills in first basic year students at Unidad Educativa Jose Benito Benitez San Andrés during the school year 2018-2019León Véliz, Luis; Andrade Hurtado, Anny Angeline; Garzón Pesantes, Miguel Augusto
Collection's Items (Sorted by Fecha de envío in Descendente order): 21 to 40 of 134